Sous Chef

Sous Chef Sissy Ash assists Chef David as his right hand. They have worked together for 41 years and she taught him much of what he has learned through the years. (She is his mom in case you didn't catch that!) Sissy is a skilled Chef in her own right and masterfully creates wonderful food alongside Chef David. While desserts are her specialty, she can do it all!
If there is ever a time when Chef David is booked but something comes up such as a medical emergency or something, Sous Chef Sissy can easily step in and fill his shoes. They have been working together long enough that she knows all of his tricks, tips, and measurements!
If there is ever a time when Chef David is booked but something comes up such as a medical emergency or something, Sous Chef Sissy can easily step in and fill his shoes. They have been working together long enough that she knows all of his tricks, tips, and measurements!